
Equine Agistment

Equine Agistment Services

Finding appropriate accommodation for your horse is an essential task that every horse owner needs to evaluate thoroughly. If you own a horse, the first and foremost thing that you need to consider is where you will keep it. There are two main processes through which horse owners can use to provide appropriate lodging for their horses. These are - spelling or agistment.

Equine Agistment Services can be defined as an arrangement in which a person other than the owner takes up the responsibility and takes care of the horse. The horse owner pays a specific pre-set amount to the individual. The amount paid by the horse owner caters for the accommodation, expenses on feeding, washing and training. 

The horse will also be kept at a particular area selected by the horse owner known as a paddock or stall. Usually, there are two main types of paddocks - large shared paddocks or the smaller individual paddocks. The prices for the two varieties of paddocks vary. Both the private and the shared paddocks in agistment can have access to an uninterrupted flow of freshwater and areas that have enough shades to protect them when it is too hot. To keep the horses safe and protected, the paddocks should also have well-established perimeter fences etc. It is also the vital responsibility of the caregivers at the agistment facility to ensure that the horses receive adequate care and training and also get medical support whenever needed.

You can quickly look for such agistment facilities on the Equine Organiser app  and find out what are the arrangements they provide. You can discover several agistment service providers listed on our app and all you need to do is to choose one and connect with them to talk and finalise the services. To know more, visit our website or download our app for iOS and Android now!

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